Saturday, February 12, 2011

38 Weeks!!!

No fun picture this time because I feel like it really doesn't look that different at this point from week to week. We had our weekly appointment on Wednesday. My weight hasn't changed (thankfully) but my belly is measuring an additional 2cm's from last week - so baby boy continues to grow. We were also told that I am currently dilated to 2cm's, which is great news to me because it's like starting a basketball game with 10 points already on the board - we're on our way! Wednesday morning I was also excited (sorry if this is TMI) to loose a large portion on my mucus plug. Contractions come and go. Sometimes a few an hour and sometimes none but at least my body knows what to do and now it's just a waiting game. Life goes on as usual - I went to yoga this morning, had a haircut this afternoon, Aaron is playing poker this evening, etc. Hopefully you're all doing well and getting as excited as we are to meet our little man. Keep sending your warm fuzzies - we feel them! xoxo, Sara


  1. Sara and Aaron,
    We are so excited and anxiously awaiting your phone call!! We love you!
    Wendy, Kevin, Nick, Rachel and Danny

  2. HOW EXCITED ARE YOU GUYS!!!! I got your thank you last night and thought "Gee, I should read up on the petitababy blog and see how things are going!" I hope things are moving along! So excited for you...can't wait to meet little Aaron Jr. :)

