Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010
We're almost there.....

We hope to have all the final touches completed by Wednesday and have furniture moved in before we leave for Michigan on Friday morning.
Belly Mapping

Tonight we went to Belly Mapping w/Gail Tully. Gail's gift is being able to determine the position of the baby - she then paints the baby on the belly- it's a beautiful experience.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
29 Weeks!!!
It is amazing to me that once the smallest part of my body has blossomed to it's current state. Everyday I feel like I've grown a little bigger and little man gets stronger. We had our intensive birthing class on Friday evening. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to come together to prepare mentally and physically for what will hopefully be a safe and happy birth experience. Every week we grow more and more anxious to meet him; as Aaron says "I can't wait to feel the weight of him in my arms". I'll do my best in the weeks to come to keep you all updated on our status as we head into these last weeks. I hope you are well and looking forward to the fast approaching Christmas Holiday. Love to all!
Renovation Update

The project is taking a little longer then hoped or expected (doesn't it always). Thankfully all that's left is painting of the walls and moving all our appropriate furniture in. We're hoping to have things wrapped by end of next weekend at which time we will post the finale photos!
We're Living in the BLUE!
On Friday, December 10th we had our first baby shower. My wonderful colleagues (Jodi and Leslie) at Augsburg put the party together, we had a great time and left with some wonderful things for our soon to be coming baby boy.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gus Loves the Baby Already
Last night Gus cuddled very close in between my legs and then very sweetly laid his head on my belly - we thought we would share the moment.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
27 Weeks!!!

I can't believe we are just a few days away from officially being in the Third Trimester. Though it feels like we still have a long way to go, I can distinctively remember feeling like the Third Trimester would never come. Grateful to still be feeling good - though, I'm learning my limits and having to slow down a bit. We'll be sure to post updated belly photos soon.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Drywall -- it's looking promising!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
99 Days until DUE DATE!
That's right folks - we are officially into the double digits! I'm still feeling great and looking forward to the Holiday Season. Over Thanksgiving weekend we will begin the process of renovating one of the upstairs bedrooms and preparing the nursery. By renovating the bedroom on the second floor we'll be making it possible to be on the same floor as baby. We'll be sure to be keep you posted with pictures of the process. I hope you're all well and also looking forward to the Holiday season with friends and family.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
24 Weeks - We're Viable!
24 Weeks was a major milestone/goal of mine - why you ask? Because at 24 Weeks a baby is considered "viable". Viable refers to the point in a pregnancy at which the baby could have a chance of survival if born prematurely. I'm grateful to have reached this milestone and to still be feeling pretty consistently good. Updated belly photos to follow....
Nursery Decor Decided!
If you find yourself interested please feel free to check out what we've chosen for our nursery bedding - which will dictate the direction in how we decorate. I'm so excited! I ordered it this week because it's on back order until approximately January, we're hopeful it comes earlier.
Search: Patchwork Stars Nursery Bedding (Natural)
Juan - the body pillow

Two weekends ago after a number of uncomfortable nights of sleep I decided it was time to invest in a body pillow. It took just one night of sleeping with it to appreciate why it's called the "body pillow" - it is literally like having another person in the bed with us. Between Aaron & I - LoLa & Gus and now the body pillow we're a packed house. Aaron decided that the pillow needed a name if it was going to be joining us each night and taking all my cuddles. So, without further delay allow me to introduce "Juan" the body pillow. I think this is the start to a beautiful relationship.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Babys Bassinet

Craigslist does it again! We bought this from a cute new Grandma and Grandpa. They bought one themselves and then were given an additional one as a gift. It's brand new and the exact one we had registered for but were able to buy for half the cost. It fits perfectly in our bedroom and we can't wait for our baby boy to sleep in it.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Funny Photo Shoot
We've always considered LoLa "our first baby" so we got a little goofy and decided to see how our baby stuff might look on her - yeah, not so good but she was quite the trooper. We laughed hard and so thought we should share.
Auntie Andrea Strikes Again!
Auntie Andrea just couldn't help herself after she found out we were having a boy - this hooded sleeper will be perfect for the remaining winter months after our baby is born and is just adorable. Thank you Auntie Andrea!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
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