Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sea of Life

On Saturday we took Little A to the Sea of Life exhibit at Mall of America. It was a wonderful exhibit and Aidan loved it. So much fun as he continues to grow and take in the world around him.

Missed from last week...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Mole

Random, I know...but earlier this month I found Aidan's first mole, it had never been there before and then one day it just showed up, cute.

Tuesday Morning with Mama

Check out our fancy new gate!
It's so fun to pull all the silverware out, a moment later I realized he was holding a knife...

My shoes just so happen to be laying under, looks like a scene from Wizard of Oz

Sunday, January 15, 2012

This day last year...

On this day last year we had Aaron's family baby shower and I was told by our midwife that what I thought was baby movement were actually contractions! What a difference a year makes...

He is WALKING!!!

We haven't captured it yet, but our little man is in fact taking a number of steps at a time. We'll do our best at capturing it this week.

Bath after Sunday Pancakes...

This weekend we traveled to Portage, WI to surprise Uncky Jason for his 30th birthday. This morning we had our blueberry pancakes, which always requires a bath immediately following. Happy Birthday Uncky Jason - we love you!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Farewell 2011, you've been wonderful to us...

Needless to say, 2011 was a wonderful year for the Riedel family and I was sad to see it go. 2012 has big shoes to fill, though we'd be just fine with a quieter year. As a family we have a few goals for the year (I don't believe in resolutions):

*Spend more time with friends - new and old
*Be more present with ourselves, others and our son
*Save money, pay debt
*Continue to explore our beloved city through our son's eyes
*Fingers crossed* get pregnant with baby #2

Just a few. These days simple is good, less is more...

Blueberry Pancakes

For years Aaron has been making me blueberry pancakes on Sundays, it's really one of my favorite things. While at the cabin we had them for breakfast and thought we'd offer the deliciousness to Aidan, not sure if he'd like them. Well, let's just say he squealed with giddy laughter every time we handed him another piece. Though messy, I'm glad we can continue the tradition.

NYE at the Cabin

For New Years this year we decided to spend a few nights at the cabin, such a wonderful way to ring in 2012. As you can see Aidan especially loved the large drawers in the kitchen. *Look at that blonde hair!