Sunday, October 24, 2010

Babys Bassinet

Craigslist does it again! We bought this from a cute new Grandma and Grandpa. They bought one themselves and then were given an additional one as a gift. It's brand new and the exact one we had registered for but were able to buy for half the cost. It fits perfectly in our bedroom and we can't wait for our baby boy to sleep in it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

21 Weeks!!!

Funny Photo Shoot

We've always considered LoLa "our first baby" so we got a little goofy and decided to see how our baby stuff might look on her - yeah, not so good but she was quite the trooper. We laughed hard and so thought we should share.

Auntie Andrea Strikes Again!

Auntie Andrea just couldn't help herself after she found out we were having a boy - this hooded sleeper will be perfect for the remaining winter months after our baby is born and is just adorable. Thank you Auntie Andrea!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

20 Week Ultrasound Pictures

It's a BOY!!!

If you look closely to where the cursor is you can clearly see we are expecting a baby boy. (the view is from below)

Friday, October 8, 2010

20 Weeks!!!

We'll be sure to post pictures from our actual Ultrasound later this weekend.


So, maybe it's not fair for me to post a celebratory comment when we won't be officially sharing what we find out until tomorrow but I'm in awe that today is literally one of the "most exciting days of my life". I hardly slept last night and kept wishing it was time to get up and get the day rolling. Our appointment is at 12:45pm this afternoon and then immediately following we will be traveling to a B&B in Red Wing, Minnesota for one night to celebrate our 3rd Wedding Anniversary 10.10.10. A VERY special and exciting couple of days for the Riedel Family. Hold your breaths for one more day!Add Image

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Twin's Game

Although the Twins didn't pull off a win the game was still a great time and we were happy to capture baby's first of many trips to the ballpark.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

3 Days!!!

We will be annoucing the gender on Saturday, October 9th by changing the color of the blog to the appropriate pink or blue. Yes, we're making you wait an extra day - we're going to keep this little gift all to ourselves for one day :-)