Monday, March 25, 2013

Mama & Da's Night OUT!

Completely un-Aidan related BUT on Saturday night Mama and Da pretended like we were 22 again. I then paid for it on Sunday (like, it hurt) because of course I am not 22. 
Uncky Jason & Auntie M were in town and we had a rockin' weekend. 

Car wash...

This is what Aidan thought about the car wash on Saturday afternoon...

Friday, March 22, 2013

He is everything...

*Wennie (Wendy). He LOVES this truck! Even tried to take it to bed last night :-)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A winter scene

Cars go with us everywhere these days...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A family heirloom becomes a treasure chest...

This chest was owned by my Grandma and Grandpa Hoeksema and was recently given to me by my mama. Until today it's been in our basement and I've been desperate to incorporate it into our home. Today was the day. Tonight we moved the changing table from Aidan's room into the basement. It is no longer necessary as he is too big and we can make better use of his room space. It is a bitter sweet exchange because it symbolizes his baby days are almost entirely behind us. My one saving grace is that now this beautiful and incredibly meaningful piece will now be a part of our lives everyday. It's perfect and he loves it. 

"I afwaid mama" (not a typo)

An incredible find...

While out boutique shopping this weekend I found this! It's a real street sign from who knows where but I was SO meant to have found it. Can you imagine anyone else in Minneapolis having taken this home? I couldn't and had to share with the sales gal why it was so meant to be mine. I'm still in shock and awe at this incredible find and now it will be mine for always. 

Sweet sleepy baby...

Aidan continues to be a great sleeper. Going strong with sleeping through the night and a solid nap every afternoon. On Saturday we were outside for several hours in the morning with Aunt Kiki (Karly) after which he was so wiped he slept for nearly five hours. This picture was taken before we woke him. I had to use the flash and it didn't bother him a bit. 

New Mattress

Not so Aidan related but you'll all be happy to know we picked up a new mattress over the weekend and some new sheets to go with it and we couldn't be happier :-)

A moment captured...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hank (the tank) & Cecilia

I'm pleased to introduce Hank and Cecilia. Hank is the white/orange fish. Named Hank simply because he is a tank in that he likes to eat, ALOT. I think he has nearly doubled in size since joining our family just two and half weeks ago. Cecilia is of course the orange/gold fish. Named because it just felt right. They have become fixtures of our family and we've enjoyed having them around. 

***These fish were intended to be a birthday gift for Aidan. We went out and bought the whole kit and kaboodle on the Saturday after the Friday of his birthday. Once we got home we quickly got everything set up for them to live in his room. After an hour or so the fish we'd purchased began to obviously struggle. Aidan went down for his afternoon nap around noon and by the time he woke up around 3 p.m. they were gone (heartbreaking!). For me of course because Aidan thought they were sleeping. Long story short, we realized it was too cold for them in Aidan's room and so now the two (new) fish live on the mantel in our living room where they are doing quite well. 

Week(end) Recap

Thursday morning before school. He is enjoying his alone playtime a little more.
It is so sweet to peek in on this scene. 
Friday night we headed off to the dog park - a family favorite
Saturday morning with bed head and cars. 
Sunday morning we dropped LoLa for a haircut and went for a donut.
*Just to note he did not eat all of these he just wanted to have the options.
After delicious donuts we headed to the auto show. Aidan & Daddy shown in the Audi S7.
Someday Daddy, someday. 
Sunday night we had dinner with the Riedel family at "The Lynn on Bryant".
A new local gem with delicious food.  
Check out their cool spin on the "kids meal". 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Recap

Saturday morning we ventured out for donuts and coffee at a new local hot spot. We captured these photo booth pictures while there, a first for our family of three. Saturday night Aidan had a sleepover with Opa (Oma was first call and delivering babies!) and Aaron & I had a date. Sunday morning we picked up little A bright & early and went straight to Lake Harriet for a morning walk. We found this snowman along the way.

A winter's night at the DP...

Last week we ventured to the DP (dog park) for the first time in quite a while. I captured this picture of the boys as we were heading out.

Farewell Friend

Last week Monday we had our dear friends the Weliwitgoda's over for a farewell dinner. They moved to Washington D.C. as of this last weekend. Jess was offered an amazing job at one of the largest law firms in the world and Sanjee's law firm has an office in D.C. so it all came together very serendipitously. Though we knew their time in Mpls had an expiration date it was so very sad to say farewell. Pictured here is Mila who we first introduced here in May 2011. As luck would have it Mila and Aidan have had the opportunity to attend school together on Tuesday's & Thursday's and have become forever friends. We will miss the W's but look forward to all the future opportunities to visit and explore our countries capital.