Sunday, July 29, 2012

While Mom & Dad were away...

Playing in puddles with LoLa

Playing in the garden

All done, time for bed

Breakfast with Opa
This weekend Aaron and I traveled to Wisconsin to spend the weekend with Auntie M and Uncky Jason, sans baby. This was the first time Aaron and I were away from little man for more then one night at a time and everyone did great. Aidan spent a very special weekend with Oma and Opa and Aaron I reconnected, slept ALOT and enjoyed time with special friends. 

Summer afternoons...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Getting Acquainted with Giggles

This weekend we brought Aidan's "big boy bed" up from the basement in hopes that he could begin to get acquainted. He/we're not quite ready yet but he seems excited and interested. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Chef Aidan

We had a great morning at the store "Creative Kid Stuff"! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Backyard Biscotti

Sleepy after the Beach

Lake Michigan

The week after 4th of July we traveled to Michigan to visit friends and family. This was the first of what will certainly be many play days on a Lake Michigan beach. 

Playing by the Pond

Timber Town

While in Michigan we took Aidan to a playground that was built in my hometown while I was in elementary school. Timber Town has a special place in my heart and Aidan loved it!