Thursday, May 31, 2012

Aidan at HH

Last night I had dinner with a few girlfriends, so Aaron took Aidan to Happy Hour and to his kickball game. They had a great time and everyone loved seeing and spending time with Aidan. This is a picture I received via text message, naughty! All in fun, also pictured is Aaron's friend and colleague, Carolyn.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer 2012 begins...

Summer 2012 begins...

Hangin' in a Fire Truck

Driver's Seat
Passenger Seat
Back Seat

Fly-In Breakfast

Aidan LOVED all the airplanes
Making memories with Auntie M & Uncky Jason

Monday, May 21, 2012

Father & Son

I found this tonight on Aaron's phone, I forgot I took it while we were in Florida. Such a precious memory.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Spaghettios are delicious!

Aidan in Flight

In the last month Aidan has traveled by plane to Florida and Michigan, these were the second and third flights of his life. In true Aidan fashion he did fabulous and we all enjoyed the experiences and memories made. In these first two years of his life he will fly more then I flew in the first 15 years of mine! ***We've fully committed to exploiting the "babies fly for free before the age of two" rule, too bad he can't start racking up frequent flyer miles!