Monday, April 30, 2012

Cozy Coupe!

Auntie Andrea, Uncle Lee and Cousin Deagan got Aidan this Cozy Coupe for his first birthday. Tonight, Daddy put it together and Aidan LOVES it! Thank you Borst Family! 

Destin, FL 2012

Cousins - Aaron & Alyssa

Uncle Peter

Beach time with Nana

Swim diaper with toilet paper on feet - vacation crazy!

Watching Cousin Aaron pitch a great game!

Making friends at the baseball game

Daddy teaching A about Baseball

Playing in an old fighter jet - so many buttons!

Walking with Family

Monday, April 2, 2012

First Crocs

Check out my first Crocs! 

On the move

These days Aidan has little patience for diaper changes, this is often about as far as we get in the process when he decides he's been patient enough and it's time to move on. Though we think his skull & crossbones diapers are pretty rad, pants up is not optional.