Thursday, December 6, 2012

First Haircut

Tonight we attempted Aidan's first haircut. I say attempted because he wasn't really into it. Thankfully, my hairstylist is a saint and did a great job. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

First Sentence!!! Sort of...

"I done!" after spitting out a mouth full of very chewed, gooey food. Yes, my son I would say you are quite done.

Last night...

Last night we did this...
And then this happened...

Yep, last night we had a great time at a nearby "Splash Pad". As soon as we got home Aaron and I got busy making dinner in the kitchen when all of a sudden we heard - thump! crash! I sprinted into the living room to find the Christmas tree on. top. of. Aidan. This picture is of the aftermath. He is 100% fine, though a little traumatized. After he stopped crying and recovered he promptly walked up to the tree and said No! No! Needless to say I'm a little rattled and selfishly mourning the loss of all those beautiful ornaments.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bucking Broncos

Great Uncle Craig who lives in Colorado sent Aidan this awesome jersey! Not only does he look great in orange but he'll be able to cheer for a team going to the playoffs. Thanks Uncle Craig and lots of love from Minnesota!

Macy's 8th Floor

A $5.00 truck cookie topped off the experience and then he didn't even like it. Figures :-)

Bath with buddy Deagan Levi

"Aidan where's your wee wee?"


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Choo Choo Bob's

After breakfast on Monday we headed to Choo Choo Bob's, an incredible train store in St. Paul. There are many things for sale but also seven train station play tables for children to plan on. He loved it and hated to leave. Don't worry bud, we'll be back :-)

Jelly Baby!

On Monday I took the day off to spend time with my little man. In the morning we had breakfast together at our local bakery - Turtle Bread. I love these breakfasts dates because he will sit longer then I expect him to and we really enjoy ourselves. These pictures are from the end of our meal when he decided to get down and dirty with the jelly.