Sunday, September 25, 2011

Swim Lessons

This week Mommy went with to swim lessons. Here are the few pictures I took before I was politely asked to stop, oops (pictures are only allowed on the last day of class).

Aidan's Mikvah 9.21.11

On Wednesday, September 21st, Aidan had his Mikvah - a Mikvah is similar in significance to a Baptism. It was a very special day, shared with family and friends at a gathering that followed the ceremony.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

1st Swim Lesson!

On Saturday, September 17th, Aaron took Aidan to his first swim lesson (Sea Turtles) at our local YMCA. Little A did great - he loved the water and splashed a lot. The session will last for 7 consecutive Saturdays and is great father-son bonding.

Getting Ready for Colder Weather

This week we tried on some things in preparation for colder weather :-(

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

6 Month Check Up

Daddy took Aidan to his 6 month check up yesterday and he did great! Here are his stats:

Height: 2 feet 3 inches (57th percentile)
Weight: 18lbs (47th percentile)
Head size: 45.5cm (86th percentile) Ha, we thought it looked big!

Aaron was able to check off development trackers in the 6th, 7th and 8th month boxes. Some of these included:

Siting up
Switching objects between hands
"Monkey see, Monkey do"
Smiling when seeing a familiar face

Hooray for our healthy, happy and thriving baby boy!

Monday, September 12, 2011