Thursday, May 19, 2011

Aidan loves his nanny!

This is a picture Aidan's nanny Karly took today. Clearly, he is smitten - we're SO lucky!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Dutch Dancing!!!

In the spirit of Tulip Time Auntie Andrea convinced mommy to put back on her costume and give the dance she hadn't done in a decade a shot. All things considered it went pretty well and was a great time. Incredible memories were made and mommy hopes it becomes a tradition in years to come.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bath Time at Nana & Papa's

Aidan got to take his baths sitting in Nana & Papa's kitchen sink. He had so much fun!

Great Grandma Schlipp

Aidan got to meet his Great Grandma Schlipp this week. She was tickled to meet him and the feeling was mutual. Aidan is the 14th great grand baby!

Meeting Lucas!!!

Tulip Time

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reading with Uncle Kagan

Uncle Kagan came home from Portland, OR to help Opa after his eye surgeries. Getting to spend time with his nephew is just the icing on the cake! Aidan surely loves his Uncky Kagan already.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Welcome Baby Mila

Our dear friends the Weliwitgoda family welcomed baby Mila on Tuesday, May 3rd. We look forward to shared years of she and Aidan growing together. Congratulations W family & love to you all!

Tummy Time II

Baby Bibs!

Aidan 10 Weeks